
贝洛伊特的旅程变得更好,成为一个包容性的, 公平的, 反种族主义机构,并不是从这个倡议开始的, 或者这个网站. 

伯洛伊特的第一批黑人学生 enrolled in the late nineteenth century; those early pioneers are the beginning of a story that has continued through the civil rights era to the events of 2020, 并将通过这一路线图持续到未来很长一段时间.

No webpage could do service to the full history of race relations and anti-racism at Beloit. Our work to become better is a story that includes every generation of Beloit students. Here are just a few of the notable moments in this history that are important to us in the context of our current work.



Our first Black students embodied all the qualities that Beloit and its students are known for today. 他们坚韧、有成就、勤奋、有决心. 每个人都在学院留下了他或她独特的印记.

查尔斯·温特·伍德,1895届毕业生,毕业照. 查尔斯·温特·伍德


查尔斯·伍德 1887年进入伯洛伊特学院,1891年加入学院. 尽管他在伯洛伊特受欢迎的足球队踢左边锋, he became best known for his public speaking and acting; after graduating in 1895 he attended divinity school at Chicago Theological Seminary, 后来在塔斯基吉大学任教, 在其他学院和大学中. “任何时候都不要感到惊讶,他在1931年写道, 来伯洛伊特校园见我, living once again over the dear days of Charlie Wood in the making at 十大菠菜台子.”

了解更多: 周五和弗雷德:查尔斯·温特·伍德

丹尼尔·韦伯斯特·布朗,19世纪末. 丹尼尔·韦伯斯特·布朗


丹尼尔·韦伯斯特·布朗 在南方读大学时躲过了种族主义袭击, 并迅速向北迁移, 用他的话来说, “通过一种地下铁路.他于1887年来到伯洛伊特,为了保护自己,他使用了假名. In 1889, Brown and other pioneering students founded the college’s first football team; in their first intercollegiate game, 新的伯洛伊特足球队以4比0击败了麦迪逊队.

我们对布朗离开伯洛伊特大学后的人生道路知之甚少. But his words from an unidentified newspaper suggest that there’s much more to the story than we know: “It is an interesting story, 但我还没有全部说出来. 我不敢讲最有趣的部分. 一个有色人种永远不知道他在南方会得到什么. 我回到了我的故乡, and in and about and all through the places where the mob once hunted for me with guns and knives, 现在这一切都被遗忘了. But a colored man is never safe and I cannot tell the whole story, even up here in the North.”

了解更多: 周五与弗雷德:丹尼尔·韦伯斯特·布朗,橄榄球队的创始成员

劳伦斯·奥斯利,伯洛伊特最早的非裔美国学生之一. 劳伦斯Ousley


伯洛伊特最早的非裔美国学生之一, 劳伦斯Ousley entered Beloit Academy in the fall of 1890 and studied and worked for three years in the Scientific Division.

“出路和上升”被证明是一场财务斗争, and he had to quell his academic ambitions in order to work to support his family (including his sister Grace, 他于1900年进入伯洛伊特).

了解更多: 周五和弗雷德在一起:奥斯利家族

恩典Ousley, the first African-American woman to attend and graduate 十大菠菜台子. 恩典Ousley


恩典Ousley, 劳伦斯的妹妹, (pictured below) became the first African-American to graduate from Beloit High School in 1900. 劳伦斯帮助她在伯洛伊特学院度过了四年, 1904年,她成为该校第一位非洲裔女毕业生, 就在学院接受男女同校的九年后.

了解更多: 星期五和弗雷德在一起: the story of two of Beloit’s earliest African-American students

维尔玛·贝尔·汉密尔顿1926年的新生身份照片 维尔玛贝尔


The daughter of a Mississippi laborer whose family emigrated to Wisconsin to find factory work, 维尔玛·贝尔是伯洛伊特学院最有成就和才华的学者之一.

6月16日, 1930, 经过三年的学习, 贝尔以优异的成绩毕业于伯洛伊特学院.

了解更多: 周五和弗雷德在一起:维尔玛·贝尔和贝洛伊特




就像无数美国公民一样, many Beloit students were active participants in the struggle for civil rights and equality in the 1960s. 

In 1961, 十大菠菜台子 student Jim Zwerg’62 attended Fisk University in Nashville on exchange and became involved in movie theater protests. Zwerg made national headlines that May after an angry white mob nearly beat him to death for participating in the famous Freedom Rides through the Deep South.

第二年, the college’s chapter of the Delta Gamma sorority pledged African-American student Patricia Hamilton, 导致被国家组织停职. 伯洛伊特的分会忠于他们的理想,走本地路线, Theta Pi Gamma今天仍然很强大.

Detail from the Day They Marched poster/magazine cover depicting the 1963 华盛顿大游行.

贝洛伊特居民, 包括学院的学生和校友, 开车横穿全国, bus, and airplane in order to participate in the history-making 华盛顿大游行 in 1963. 

马丁·路德·金. 集合

1968年4月10日,马丁·路德·金遇刺六天后.伯洛伊特学院图书馆馆长. 维尔Deale, wrote to President Miller Upton offering to the college his vast personal collection of books, 小册子, 还有关于非暴力的纪念品, 良心, 世界和平.

马丁·路德·金. 集合 on Non-Violence is one of Morse Library’s “Special 集合s” housed with the 十大菠菜台子 Archives. The collection includes rare and seminal works by and about pacifists and civil rights leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as countless books on non-violence and the peace movement in the United States. 在它的许多珍宝中,有一些与华盛顿大游行有关的物品.

了解更多: 周五与弗雷德:beloiter,民权和华盛顿大游行




In 1969, 35 Black students created a list of demands they thought would make 十大菠菜台子 more inclusive and affirming of their race. 黑人的要求, 他们被称为, 在伯洛伊特学生报纸的头版上宣布:


The demands themselves were included in the paper and printed for campus distribution:



1. 非洲的全学分课程 & 美国黑人历史, Art, Music, 哲学, 经济学, 政府, 黑人教授的文学和语言课.

2. Mandatory courses on the concept of Blackness for student body, 教师, and administration.

3. 招生 program aimed at increasing the percentage of Black students to 10% of the student body.

4. 招聘计划旨在将黑人教师的比例提高到10%.

5. 为黑人学生保留的部分宿舍.

6. Inclusion of relevant contributions by Black experts in each field of our current curriculum.

7. 黑人财政援助顾问.

8. 建立黑人文化中心和集会场所.

9. Institution of the High Potential Education Program as approved by the 十大菠菜台子 教师.

10. Revision of Area Exams to allow Black students to relate the required courses and readings to their cultural and social environment and that these be read and judged by Black professors.

11. Revision of Upper and Under Class Common Courses to include sections focused on Blackness.

12. 不再有维修工骚扰黑人学生, 接待员, 保安及其他学院人员.


了解更多: Link




6月17日, 2020, Black Students United (BSU) sent a letter to the college with contemporaneous demands, 以1969年的为基础, 它们列在下面. 

从那时起, the Beloit Anti-Racism Liaison Group has been working with members of our community to organize our anti-racism efforts around BSU’s demands, 符合Beloit的法律义务. 

We consider Beloit’s ongoing antiracist work to be fundamental to our educational mission and to building a stronger campus community.

伯洛伊特学院管理人员, this document is highlighting what Black students and Alumni need from this campus. 请仔细阅读并迅速回复.


Black Students United (BSU) and our Black alumni are coming together to reiterate the 1969年的原版《十大菠菜台子》,并添加了一些内容. These demands were put together by Black students on campus of what they required from Beloit. It is disappointing and frankly embarrassing that an institution that aspires to be anti-racist has failed to meet these demands by 2020. 在本文档中, we are publicly requiring that 十大菠菜台子 revisits our demands and demonstrates with full transparency how they plan to make sure that these issues are fixed.

Black people at 十大菠菜台子 have to carry the weight of state violence outside of school and continued racist psychological violence everyday on our campus. 这种心理暴力表现在很多方面. First, 黑人学生被定义为学习的主体, 而不是让学生享有公平的学习环境. Second, hate crimes and hate acts occur annually and the College lacks long term solutions to disrupt and ultimately end the violence. The recurrences are frequent because of Beloit’s inability to reprimand individuals and legitimize our pain. 最后, there is a culture of tolerating anti-blackness for the sake of ‘professionalism’ that needs to be addressed. 例子包括, 公开纵容学生的种族主义言论/意识形态, 教师, alumni, 和教练, 因为害怕社会和经济报复. The culmination of these factors is compounded by the fact that Beloit is a residential campus. Black students are expected to move on to a small residential campus where the majority of the students are white and make it our home. The residential nature and size of 十大菠菜台子 forces that more responsibility be placed on the college to protect Black students so that we can feel safe in our home.

Racism didn’t begin three weeks ago, and this cultural movement is entirely led by black youth. 我们需要和解, 这样我们才能成为一个反种族主义的社区, 承认到目前为止贝洛伊特所有人都是同谋. 不做种族主义者不是一件被动的事情. In order to actually not be racist, we need to be actively fighting against racism. 51年后,伯洛伊特学院仍然没有满足这些要求, 不断向他们的黑人学生证明, 教师, staff, and the world that 十大菠菜台子 is complacent to the anti-black racism that occurs on our campus. 直到满足以下要求, 伯洛伊特学院不能自称是一个有抱负的“反种族主义机构”.



我们希望维持这些要求,因为它们仍然没有得到满足, 但是我们会添加新的. 为了显示调整, 这些要求将按时间顺序列出, 通过以下调整.

1. 历史系全学分课程, 批判认同研究, Art, Music, 哲学, 经济学, 政治科学, 黑人教授教的英语.

a. The College does not have a Black professor in the majority of these departments, 还有那些能做到的, 只有一个教授.

2. Mandatory courses on the concept of Blackness for student body, 教师, and administration.

a. Require Sex, Race, 和权力 as a required course for graduation for ALL students. It is imperative that this course is taught by a Black body, preferably a Black woman.

b. 要求对教员进行赛跑训练, staff, 所有运动员和教练员, 校园社团领导及其行政人员, 希腊的生活, 住宿生活(主任), 住宿生活协调员(rlc), 居民助理), 金融援助, SEAL, 食品服务, 以及所有其他与学生接触的办公室.

c. 以学生运动员为例, if a student is caught engaging in racist behavior and/or behavior that violates the current outline of the hate and bias protocol, the following actions should be taken: student is suspended for the remainder of the season, 他们必须参加美国种族和伯洛伊特种族史的课程, 这些课程将通过论文和考试来评分, until all steps are completed the student will be unable to practice or play for the College.

3. 招生 program aimed at increasing the percentage of Black students to 10% of the student body.

a. 目前黑人学生的比例只有5%.

b. 我们也了解学生对录取的重要性. For questions about how to increase this percentage, please reach out to BSU members.

4. Hiring programs aimed at increasing the percentage of 教师 members to 10% Black

5. 为黑人学生保留的部分宿舍.

a. ResLife在为大一新生和室友配对时需要更加勤奋, 为了黑人学生的安全. 下面是一个示例,说明如果不进行这些考虑可能会发生什么.

b. 除了室友, Black RAs need to be placed in safe areas that will not negatively affect their mental health. 最好是和其他黑人助理校长和学生一起.

6. Inclusion of relevant contributions by Black experts in each field of our current curriculum.

7. 黑人财政援助顾问.

a. 除了顾问, grants and scholarships need to be put in place specifically for Black students.

8. 建立黑人文化中心和集会场所.

a. Although Black students have the BSU house, the location is secluded and is inaccessible. 语言学生有WAC, 艺术/舞蹈专业的学生有亨德里克斯, 史密斯和艺术/舞厅, 国际学生有国际宿舍, etc. 黑人学生需要一个可以学习的空间, 聚会, 不要觉得我们是自己校园的入侵者. 选项包括:Powerhouse或pearson.

9. Institution of the High Potential Education Program as approved by the 十大菠菜台子 Faculty.

10. Revision of Area Exams to allow Black students to relate the required courses and readings to their cultural and social environment and that these be read and judged by Black professors.

11. Revision of Upper and Under Class Common Courses to include sections focused on Blackness.

12. 不再有维修工骚扰黑人学生, 接待员, 保安及其他学院人员.

a. Security guards and their 接待员 are constantly rude to Black individuals and never held accountable. 请查阅解决此问题的详细示例和方法.


除了这些具体的更新, we would like to introduce a few new demands that reflect the current political climate and will dramatically enhance the quality of life for Black students at Beloit.

1. 在健康中心安排一名黑人顾问, 在安排与上述辅导员的会面时,应优先考虑黑人学生, 辅导员来的时候提醒学生.

a. 黑人学生在心理健康方面的耻辱中挣扎, 以及与白人辅导员的联系. 请查阅更详细的示例.

b. Black students should be given resources to be able to pursue counseling during the space in time that it takes to find a permanent Black counselor outside of 十大菠菜台子. 有需要的人可以使用黑人顾问网络, and with our current worldwide situation of the COVID-19 pandemic it is an increasingly available resource virtually.

2. Update the website so the hate act policy reflects the revisions that Students for Inclusive Campus (SIC) developed in 2017. In doing so, be sure to include racial slurs as hate acts instead of bias incidents.

a. Being called the N-word is a hate act not bias incident and is an act of violence within itself. Bias incidents “do not involve violence or other conduct violating college policy” displaying a gap in the understanding of racial slurs as an enactment of psychological violence.

3. Complete compliance with the Native American Graves and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) in relation to artifacts in the Logan Museum.


BSU需要在2020年秋季之前看到变化. 我们理解有些事情需要更长的时间来实施, 例如:雇用新的教职员工, 提高了黑人学生的比例, 改变我们的校园文化. 然而,这不应该再等50年. For Fall 2020 it is the expectation that the following demands will be met: implementation of mandatory race training for the parties mentioned, 毕业要求更新,包括性别, Race, 和权力, ResLife必须深入考虑安置黑人学生的程序, 仇恨法案政策必须更新, 我们需要一个地方让黑人学生在我们的房子外面聚集. 如文件所述, if anyone has any questions or concerns about any of the demands do not hesitate to contact BSU at beloitbsu@gmail.com 或Aryssa Harris harrisad@cross-culturalcommunications.com. 自我教育永远不会嫌晚, 当你什么都不做时,问题就会出现, 拒绝承认自己过去的缺点.

Now is the time to do better and realize that we cannot truly Be All In until ALL of your students and alumni feel safe and proud to come from this institution.



1 http://cross-culturalcommunications.com/offices/student-success-equity-community/bias-incident-policy/

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